Our focus determines our direction. It’s impossible to look backward and try moving forward. It’s impossible to think defeat and try to overcome. Our focus shows where we are heading to. Tomorrow you will have what you are focused on >>>
Our focus determines our direction. It’s impossible to look backward and try moving forward. It’s impossible to think defeat and try to overcome. Our focus shows where we are heading to. Tomorrow you will have what you are focused on >>>
It is impossible to defeat kindness. Just as darkness cannot overcome the light, and fire cannot burn the ocean, and night cannot stop the day: so kindness is invincible.
If you offend kindness, she will forgive you. If you reject >>>
Before Christ, people perceived God unclearly, as through the dimmed glass. But in Christ, God Himself came to us, so that we could clearly understand who He is. “The Father and I are one, anyone who has seen >>>
When two of John’s disciples left him and followed Christ, Jesus asked them, “What do you want?” (John 1: 37) At that time, Jesus did not have a single follower. So such a question sounded quite unusual from the lips >>>
Life is the greatest gift given to you by God. But life has no meaning without love.
Maybe the circumstances of your birth were not the best. Maybe you were born into an incomplete family. Perhaps you don’t know who >>>
Our faith grows and becomes stronger as a result of thanksgiving. When we thank God by faith for His future answers, our faith grows and becomes stronger. We do it even though right now we don’t see His >>>
Your words direct the course of your life. Tomorrow you will have what you are talking about today. God created the Universe by His Word. The word has creative power in it. You decide if you are going to >>>
In Your presence the sick become healed, sinners become holy, and the blind start seeing. Your presence brings hope to the hopeless, and freedom to the oppressed. The mountains melt like wax before Your presence. (Psalm 97: >>>
If there is a picture, there is an artist who painted it. If there is a car, there is an inventor who created it. If there is a computer program, there is a software engineer who wrote it.
We do >>>
He was born 2,000 years ago in a small city called Bethlehem as a son of a carpenter. His birth was not noticed by many at that time, yet now we view all of history as divided into 2 major >>>