Life is a decision. Your life started because of a decision, but it was not your decision. It was not you who decided that you need to come into this world.
Life is growth. Growth is an ability to move from inherited decisions to independent decisions. The greatest discovery of your life is that you don’t have to live by the decisions that were made for you by others.
Life is mistakes. When we start making our own decisions, we usually make the wrong decisions first. The most difficult thing is to accept that some of the decisions we inherited, which were made for us by others, were a mistake.
Life is grace. When we suddenly understand that despite of all our wrong decisions, made by us or by others, God always remained good to us. He took care of us and kept us safe even when we deserved it the least.
Life is Jesus. In Him was revealed the fullness of God’s love to us. He prayed for those who were crucifying Him, He forgave those who were spitting at Him, and He loved those who hated Him. Our sins killed Him, but He rose back to life because it’s impossible to kill God’s love.
Your life is not a mistake and not just a mere coincidence. There is One who decided to give you life. There is One who loves you. There is One who is waiting for you. Pray to Jesus now and ask Him to completely transform your life with His love.
#FromHeartToHeart Stan & Lana
Jesus Unltd #EverythingIsPossible