Kindness rules the world. “God is kind to the ungrateful and wicked”. (Luke 6: 35)

Kindness rules the world. “God is kind to the ungrateful and wicked”. (Luke 6: 35)

It is impossible to defeat kindness. Just as darkness cannot overcome the light, and fire cannot burn the ocean, and night cannot stop the day: so kindness is invincible.

If you offend kindness, she will forgive you. If you reject kindness, she will keep waiting. If you run away, she will follow you. Even if you kill kindness, she will be resurrected.

People were created for good. A good person will receive wisdom, knowledge, and joy (Ecclesiastes 2: 26). The evil person has no future; his light will die out (Proverbs 24: 20).

The Bible says God is kind. Kind means good. Contrarily, the devil is always evil and angry. God created people to be like Him – kind. A kind person reveals the character of Christ in this evil world.

Our most important calling as Christians is to overcome evil with good, and not be overcome by evil (Romans 12: 21). When we do this, we reveal to the people of this world the character of our Father, who is kind to the ungrateful and wicked (Luke 6: 35).

When Jesus was betrayed, falsely accused, and crucified on the cross, evil seemed to triumph. But not for long. Christ rose from the dead and evil was completely and irrevocably defeated. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the ultimate victory of good over evil.

Kindness created the world and rules it. Sometimes it may look like evil is in control of the situation, but this is an illusion. Evil is doomed to be defeated because it has no life in it. Kindness remains forever.

#FromHeartToHeart Stan & Lana
Jesus Unltd #EverythingIsPossible

Kindness rules the world. “God is kind to the ungrateful and wicked”. (Luke 6: 35)



STAN & LANA, Founders and Senior Leaders of JESUS UNLTD and the GOD IS GOOD TV satellite television network, invite you to partner with our ministry. For the last 25 years, they have been leading missionary efforts in INDIA, NEPAL, MYANMAR, KENYA, and other countries worldwide.